Frequently Asked Questions
How do I update my screen?
How do I create my own layout for content?
How do I create my own custom weather tool using the Web Zone?
How do I create an RSS Feed and assign it to a Playlist?
How do I create a custom RSS Feed using a Web Zone?
How do I display a webpage full screen?
How do I display my Twitter or Facebook profile?
How do I display live TV from a website?
How do I get a YouTube Live stream to autoplay in fullscreen?
I have published to my screen and it is not updating/What do I do if my screen is offline?
How do I find my screen/player's licence key (S/N)?
How do I configure proxy server settings on my screen/player?
How do I update my screen if it is not connected to the internet? (Plug and play method)
Why is my screen displaying "Error (Screen Mode Unmatch)"?
How do I delete the default screensaver Playlist from my touch screen?
How do I create a screensaver Playlist for my touch screen?
How do I display an interactive PDF as part of my Touch Playlist?
Server Information
What information do I need if there are restrictions in place on my network? (e.g. firewalls)
What security is in place on My Signage Portal?
What is the best web browser to use for MySignagePortal.com?
What are the recommended/supported media formats for my screen/player?
How do I convert my video file to a compatible format?
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